We shall be at our usual location at the east end of Princes Street, opposite the Balmoral bHotel/b, from 1pm - 3pm this coming Saturday. We use our stall to raise public awareness of the Identity Cards scheme, collect donations and entries ... key elections next year, how can we fight for our freedoms, and begin to recapture our hard-won democracy? Come along to this meeting, and explore these vital issues. Light refreshments available. Street map: http://tinyurl.com/blubac/b ...
He is a disciple of Heidegger, Blondel, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Karl Rahner, Yves Congar, Henri de bLubac/b,and Hegel. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI teaches that Vatican II's Gaudium et Spes is a ?countersyllabus of errors?. b....../b Or else, he's busy at a family picnic, a ballgame or on bvacation/b or maybe, hopefully, he is anxiously hurrying through the internet, or his personal library or the city library or the Vatican library perusing Vatican II texts, Modernist utterances, ...
In essa ci informa, ad esempio, che, nell'bestate/b del 1950, gli fu data l'opportunit? di partecipare a un concorso con una ricerca su sant'Agostino. Il tema scelto dal professor Gottlieb Söhngen, che aveva grande stima dell'allievo Ratzinger , era: "Popolo e casa di Dio ... Per de bLubac/b, inoltre, essendo la fede, per sua stessa natura, anche speranza, essa doveva investire la totalit? della storia e non si limitava a promettere al singolo la sua beatitudine privata. ...